Describe a Time You Used Your Cell Phone or Smartphone to Do Something Important 12

Describe a time you used your cell phone or smartphone to do something important. You should say:- What happened? When did it happen? How important is the cellphone/smartphone? Explain how you felt about the experience. Sample 1:- Describe a time you used your cell phone or smartphone to do something important. Recently, I encountered a […]

Talk About an Interesting Old Person You Met Recently. 15 Samples

Talk about an interesting old person you met recently. Who is this person? How did you meet him? How do you know him? What do you do with this person (optional)? Why did you find him interesting? Sample 1:- Talk about an interesting old person you met recently. Last month, while I was visiting the […]

Talk About a Thing You Complained About Something

Talk about a thing you complained about something (but finally got a good result).• What did you complain about? Who did you complain to? When did it happen? What was the result? And why were you satisfied with the result? Sample 1:- Talk about a thing you complained about something (but finally got a good […]

Describe the Game You Enjoyed Playing when You Were Younger

Describe the game you enjoyed playing when you were younger. You should say:- What is that game? Who you played it with? Where did you play the game? And explain why you enjoyed playing that game. Sample 1:- Describe the game you enjoyed playing when you were younger. Growing up in a quaint little town […]

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